Professor Milan Holický celebrates his 80th anniversary

Prof. Ing. Milan Holický, DrSc., Ph.D., PhD.

Milan Holický has been one of the pillars of the Klokner Institute for more than half a century. Since his graduation from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in 1965, with a short break for doctoral studies at the University of Waterloo in Canada, he has been researching in the field of structural reliability, especially theoretical methods of reliability and durability assessment, risk assessment and the development of principles for the design and evaluation of existing structures for practical applications. He has worked on the optimization of the design and risk assessment of the Prague road tunnel system and in recent years has been involved in the reliability assessment of nuclear power plant structures. Almost all this time he has also been involved in standardization, both nationally and internationally. He is co-author of many Czech construction standards. He chairs the Technical Standardization Commission TNK 38 for Reliability and Loading of Building Structures, and at the international level he is a co-author of European Building Standards (Eurocodes) and ISO standards. Throughout his professional life, he has been actively involved in the platforms of many international organizations focused on reliability and robustness of structures and risk analysis (JCSS) and organizations for research and innovation in the construction industry (CIB, RILEM, IABSE and others). He acts as an expert witness in the field of structural engineering – statics, defects and failures of building structures.

At the seminar together with Prof. D. Diamantidis, OTH Regensburg(left) and Prof. P. Croce, Uiversità di Pisa(right)

At the seminar together with Prof. D. Diamantidis, OTH Regensburg(left) and Prof. P. Croce, Uiversità di Pisa(right)

He has been a kind and patient supervisor of many graduates of doctoral studies of the Klokner Institute and a professor of bachelor and master studies of the Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Civil Engineering of the CTU. He participated in a series of seminars for the professional public, facilitating the introduction of Eurocodes into the system of national standards, both at national and European level. He is an honorary professor at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa.
However, as a true renaissance man, Milan is not only a scientist and an engineer. He has devoted his life to music, both playing the violin and listening to the compositions of beloved composers. He and his wife Nadia recently celebrated their golden wedding.

In the realm of music

In the realm of music

Professor Holický will celebrate his 80th birthday this Saturday, March 4, 2023. On behalf of the Klokner Institute, we thank you for your commitment so far and wish you a happy birthday.

Grandfather and little chess player

Grandfather and little chess player


Personal message by Dimitris Diamantidis (OTH Regensburg):

Dear Milan,

well done on having passed through 80 years of creative life. You are an inspiring and wonderful colleague gifted with unwavering professionalism and exceptional talent to educate young people. I am grateful for your guidance and support in our over 30 years of lasting sustainable cooperation. This is manifested, among others, in three successful EU Leonardo da Vinci innovation transfer projects, in various JCSS (Joint Committee on Structural Safety) effective meetings worldwide, in fruitful discussions related to the new Eurocodes on assessment of existing structures as well as in numerous common scientific publications. But most of all I am thankful for your valuable friendship, your generous hospitality in Prague, and for sharing aspects of the culture of your country with me and my family. I hope you continue enjoying life and stay healthy and strong.


Kloknerův ústav

The Klokner Institute, a separate and independent workplace of the CTU, has an irreplaceable position within Prague and the whole Czech Republic, especially within the framework of international cooperation in research and standardization.

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