For applicants
Applicants for study at the Klokner Institute of the CTU have the same rights and obligations as students studying at other universities of science and technology. The prerequisite for admission to the study programme Structural Materials, Testing and Reliability in Civil Engineering is the completion of a Master’s degree either from the relevant faculties of the CTU or from other universities, and demonstrable knowledge of the English language.
Prerequisites for admission to PhD studies at the Klokner Institute
The most important condition for admission is to have a master’s degree completed. Both graduates from the CTU faculties and students from other universities in the country can apply.
In addition, attention should also be paid to the following facts:
- If you completed your previous education outside the territory of the Czech Republic or Slovakia, you must submit the so-called diploma certification together with your study application.
- Before admission to PhD studies, you will demonstrate adequate knowledge of English necessary for the smooth course of your studies, most often in the form of a language test.
Decision on granting accreditation of a study programme
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What is the admission process for PhD studies?
Submit your application
Application for admission – Structural Materials, Testing and Reliability in Civil Engineering
Download the conditions of the admission procedure
Conditions for admission to doctoral studies
Submit your application
As soon as you have made sure that studying at the Klokner Institute is right for you, you will apply for studies, either online on this website or in person at the Klokner Institute secretariat.
Pay the fee
The registration fee is CZK 850 and it is best to pay by card when filling out the electronic application. Other methods, e.g., transfer from a bank account, take longer.
Account number: 19-5504300237/0100 (Komerční banka)
Attach the necessary documentation
Do not forget to attach the relevant documents to the application:
- curriculum vitae
- a copy of your education documents (a certified copy of your university diploma)
- list of publication
- proof of payment of the admission fee
Show up for an admission interview
Part of the admission procedure for the PhD studies at the Klokner Institute is a personal interview. It will check your ability to defend your arguments, your motivation to study and your study preferences. In a roughly 30-minute interview with the committee, you will discuss your ideas, plans for the future, and the planned preparation of your PhD thesis.
You will be informed electronically about the time and place of the admission interview.
You can find more about the course of PhD studies at the Klokner Institute here.