Accredited Testing Laboratory

The Accredited Testing Laboratory of the Klokner Institute performs tests according to a specific standard either on delivered samples or on samples taken directly from a construction site. During load tests, the Accredited Laboratory is able to continuously record the course of movements, deformations, stresses, displacements, and other changes to the tested elements due to loading.

List of activities of the Accredited Testing Laboratory

The Accredited Testing Laboratory of the Klokner Institute provides

  • testing of concrete and mortar mixtures (compressive, tensile, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, frost resistance, air content in the mix, workability or volume changes)
  • tests of fresh concrete
  • testing of metals, steels and concrete reinforcement
  • investigation of the quality of rope elements and prestressing reinforcements
  • tests of welded reinforcement
  • static load tests of bridges
  • dynamic load tests of building structures and evaluation of the effects of machine vibrations on structures and humans
  • tensile, compression, bending and torsion tests of electrical insulators
  • quality assessment of building materials and elements based on laboratory tests (concrete, fibre concrete, aerated concrete, mortar, stone, wood, building glass, masonry elements, masonry units, insulating foils or coatings)

If the customer is not satisfied with the activities of the TL KI, i.e. he has objections to the preparation of samples, to the performance of the test or to the Test Report, he may express his opinion within 14 days after receiving the Test Report to the head of the TL KI. Other objections to the activities of the ZL may be submitted to the head of the TL at any time. Complainants can inquire about the method of filing complaints with the head of the TL.

More about the specific test procedures can be found on this website PDF file (1 022 kB)

A Customer satisfaction questionnaire is used to express feedback.

Head of the department

Ing. Martin Holeček